Thursday, September 10, 2009

So back to back posts cuz i'm a bit behind cuz it took me so long to think of an idea.

Anyway, last week we learned out mp3 and how songs have to be encoded and then decoded in order for people to be able to hear anything. We learned all these nifty facts about sound and hearing so that we could understand how songs are encoded and turned into mp3. One of them was, human ears have limited range hertz that can be heard (i think it was 40 - 2,000 or something like that) but instruments can play above and below this range. When encoding a song to make it nice and small, the program just eliminates any of the sounds that are too high or too low. It does other stuff like that based on how people hear.

So how does any of this relate to the recipe ipod you ask??? Well I was thinking of how you would be able to add recipes to the device. There are bajillions of recipes all over the internet, so recipe ipod would come with a program (like itunes) that you could load on your computer that allows you to highlight sections of websites and tag it as a recipe you want to keep. The program would then (do all this technical stuff that i don't understand but imma pretend that its gonna do what i say) scan the highlighted section and encode the recipe as something it can understand and the download that to a recipe library that you could view. You would be able to edit the recipes that you find on the internet, just in case the program encoded it wrong and changed the words around or something. Then you would attach the actual recipe ipod to your computer though a USB port and it would update itself with the new recipe and then its all ready for fun in the kitchen.

Comparing my idea to ipod and itunes is just the easiest way i can think of to get people to envision what i'm talking about. In my head though, the recipe ipod actually looks more like the amazon Kindle, in the way that it would be thin with a rather large screen area and then it could have either the ipod wheel, arrow buttons, or be touch screen. But none of those would matter as much outside of find recipes already loaded on the device, since when you are using it to follow a recipe it would be voice activated, and you would just say next or back to get it to tell you the steps in the recipe. As for the program that goes with it being like itunes that is the best thing i can think of to compare it to. It would be a list of recipes saved in order of their title, by type of cuisine, or by type of cooking method, and when you clicked on one it would go to a screen with the recipe, and you would have a back button to get back to the list of recipes. That is all the thought I have given to the program, though i do think if apple did it they would call the program icookbook.

So yea, I hope that gives you a little insight into what the recipe ipod would be like. :)

About this blog

Hello! This blog is a project for my information technologies class. We have to think of something new and post about how it relates to what we learned about in class that week. It took me awhile but i finally decided what the new invention would be that I would blog about.

So I love to cook, so I follow lots of recipes, I will either print the recipe out or just leave the recipe up on my computer. Either way i end up kinda annoyed. If i print it out, I will misplace the paper while I'm cooking and then have to run around my kitchen looking for the paper. If i leave it on my computer, I inevitably get my computer messy, wither its flour in the keys or spots of sauce on the screen. So my solution would be an invention that can store recipes and then read them out loud as you cook.

I like to think of it as the recipe ipod. So as the weeks progress I'll explain the recipe ipod more and more, and hopefully think of some other things that it could do.