Monday, November 9, 2009


A few weeks ago we talked about audio formats and how computers turn sound into digital data, and then back into understandable language. Which lead me to decided that people should be able to record recipes for the recipe ipod. So the same way that people make podcast that you can load on to any mp3 player, people can find their favorite recipe and record themselves reading the recipe. It would not be in the format that the recipe ipod would need to respond to the stop and continue commands but you would still be able to say pause and play, so that you can cook along with the recipe.
In order to speak the recipes the recipe ipod would need to have a digital(computer language) to analog (human language) converter so that it can translate the 0 and 1 of the stored recipes. Since i also want it to be able to respond to spoken commands it would need to have an analog to digital converter as well so that when the users says "pause" the recipe ipod can translate that into the command 010101010 (i have no idea what it would really be) and stop talking and hold its place in the recipe.

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